The silver bullet for FMEA performance improvement - robustness as a benchmark for risk assessment for manufacturing processes (P FMEA)
A product or process is robust if it reacts insensitively to the expected disturbance factors (noise). Robustness is therefore an important objective for the developers and planners of manufacturing and assembly processes. In the context of process FMEA, the evaluation of robustness represents an essential part of the risk assessment. In particular, the avoidance measures of the process FMEA play a decisive role in achieving the objectives.The course presents procedures and rules for success in this context. Participants will be able to integrate the "robustness models" into their FMEA work.

  • Precisely tailored information at the highest level of quality
  • Dialogue to answer questions
  • Training documents (PDF download)
  • Certificate of participation
  • Nutzen

    Competence to optimize robustness of manufacturing processes in the context of process FMEA.


    The DC Online Event is aimed at specialists and managers from the areas of quality management, engineering, product development, project management, purchasing, production, service and IT.

    Participant fee
    The participation fee is 0,00€ (net)


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