Efficiency and Effectiveness of FMEA - Best Practiceread more
MSRs – Understanding monitoring and system responses in FMEAread more
MSRs – What are they all about?
Efficiently Managing Knowledge with FMEAread more
Holistic safety and risk assessment - possible uses of an ERP-integrated FMEA in SAPread more
from Dr. Gerhard Kicherer, KTT UG Description of the advantages and flexible application options of an ERP-integrated FMEA for the integrated, holistic safety and risk assessment of products, processes and the reliability of systems, equipment and tools in SAP. Holistic safety and risk assessment with an ERP-integrated FMEA in SAP; Flexible application options of an SAP ERP-integrated FMEA in the sense of a risk-based closed-loop inspection planning for Product and processes, SAP closed-loop RCM solution, SAP closed-loop TPM solution as well as for Introduction and implementation of an HACCP concept in SAP.
FMEA as a modular system in the international contextread more
FMEA present content with a high generic proportion. Generic in the sense that their content can in part be adopted for different products in one product family. In no cases are risks ever generic! Risks should always be viewed specifically in the context of the individual project, the specific application, and the detailed technical solution in question. And yet, rather than always redeveloping the generic part, it makes sense to keep coming back to it. In this text I outline a possible approach and a data strategy that enable generic content to be used without sacrificing the ability to specifically assess risks.
FMEA-MSR task priority – Considerations for deriving the TP tableread more
from Wolfgang Hinrichs Sensible or nonsensical? Well or poorly thought out? Why do the TP ratings for B=9 and B=10 differ in the FMEA for monitoring and system response?