Technical cleanliness

Technical cleanliness concerns itself with the amount of residual dirt on the surface of cleanliness-critical components. The analysis and risk assessment of particulate, ionic and/or film contamination is playing an ever greater role for the quality and reliability of mechanical, electrical, and electronic components. The aim is to specify and implement technical cleanliness in such a way that the unavoidable amounts of residual dirt cannot cause malfunctions.

Knowing the permitted amount of residual dirt, its analytical determination in manufacturing and assembly, and risk management with actions all have the same goal: to prevent functional failures and the insufficient implementation of requirements (e.g. minimum operating time) for systems and components.

Technical cleanliness concerns itself with requirements for:

  • Mechanical systems and their manufacture
  • Assembly processes
  • Electronics production

    Risk-based prevention and detection actions aim to manage the following physical and chemical contributors towards malfunctions:
  • Fluff
  • Fibers
  • Nonmetallic particles
  • Metallic particles
  • Ionic contamination
  • Film contamination

    The motivation is preventing inadmissible:
  • Mechanical damage
  • Leakage currents
  • Arcing
  • Electrical isolation for contacts
  • Electrochemical migration (ECM) due to hygroscopic particles
  • Glossary Technical terms at a glance