Hazard analysis and risk assessment

The hazard analysis and risk assessment (see ISO 26262-3:2018) provides safety aims for safety-relevant functions. Automotive Safety Integrity Levels (ASIL) are additionally assigned, which depict a measure of to what extent a system must be made more reliable and/or controlled better so that a socially acceptable residual risk with the occurrence of failures is ensured.

The hazard analysis and risk assessment is conducted at the start of the development process for systems with safety goals. Requirements are defined here for development. In contrast to the FMEA, the failure of components and systems does not play a role here. The result of the hazard analysis and risk assessment is an ASIL classification (QM, ASIL A, ASIL B, ASIL C).

ISO 26262 and ISO 25119 / DIN EN 16590 specify a structured procedure for a “Hazard analysis and risk assessment (HARA)” in order to be able to determine for a system whether it is a safety-relevant system and, if so, how high the degree of safety relevance is.

Based on a combination of:
- The frequency of the occurrence of a hazardous situation (exposure),
- Severity
- Controllability
a procedure is defined in order to be able to determine the ASIL (Automotive Safety Integrity Level) in the automotive sector and an AgPL (Agricultural Performance Level) within agriculture and forestry.

- HARA (G&R) is used to define requirements on development
- FMEA is used to check whether the available requirements are also fulfilled accordingly

Glossary Technical terms at a glance